Contributing to an open-source content library for NLP
Leonard Püttmann
Bricks is an open-source content library for natural language processing, which provides the building blocks to quickly and easily enrich, transform or analyze text data for machine learning projects. For many Pythonistas, contributing to an open-source project seems scary and intimidating. In this tutorial, we offer a hands-on experience in which programmers and data scientists learn how to code their own building blocks and share their creations with the community with ease.
Leonard Püttmann
Affiliation: Kern AI
Leonard Püttmann studied economics at the Hochschule Düsseldorf. During a specialization course there he fell in love with all things ML, especially when it comes to natural language processing. After studying, he joined the company Kern AI as a data scientist and now works as a developer advocate, where he is connecting people to topics like ML and programming.