Geospatial Data Processing with Python: A Comprehensive Tutorial
Martin Christen
In this tutorial, you will learn about the various Python modules for processing geospatial data, including GDAL, Rasterio, Pyproj, Shapely, Folium, Fiona, OSMnx, Libpysal, Geopandas, Pydeck, Whitebox, ESDA, and Leaflet. You will gain hands-on experience working with real-world geospatial data and learn how to perform tasks such as reading and writing spatial data, reprojecting data, performing spatial analyses, and creating interactive maps. This tutorial is suitable for beginners as well as intermediate Python users who want to expand their knowledge in the field of geospatial data processing
Martin Christen
Affiliation: Universitry of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland. Institute Geomatics.
Martin Christen is a professor of Geoinformatics and Computer Graphics at the Institute of Geomatics at the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW). His main research interests are geospatial Virtual- and Augmented Reality, 3D geoinformation, Deep Learning, and interactive 3D maps. Martin Christen is very active in the Python community. He teaches various Python-related courses and uses Python in most research projects. He organizes the PyBasel meet up - the local Python User Group Northwestern Switzerland. He also organizes the yearly GeoPython conference. He is a board member of the Python Software Verband e.V.
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